Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 3

Original title, eh? Nod to the Canadians in class...woke up with another slight headache (my usual). I went to Zumba and was glad that I did. I made a version of V8 for dinner and again overshot my proportions of veggies. I used 2 carrots; 3 cloves of garlic; 2 stalks of celery; 1/2 cucumber; 1/2 green pepper; 1/4 vidalia onion and 1 tomato (I didn't have room for any more tomatoes). A dash of sirracha sauce completed the mix...okay it was more than a dash...must be more conservative with the hot sauce! Note to self...juice tomatoes first and then add the extras for a more tomato flavor. Made a pineapple/coconut milk smoothie with a few rogue strawberries thrown in for good measure for dessert after Zumba...mmmmmmm!!!! Felt hungry when I awoke, but not starving. Granola and toast for breakfast and clam chowder and salad...plan to try a new concoction for dinner.

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